Tuition Fee Grant Part-time undergraduate, tuition fee and living cost students

3. How much can I get?

The amount of grant you can get depends on your study intensity, household income and fee costs

The only way to know exactly how much you'll get is to apply, but you could get up to £1,230.

Maximum available

Academic year Maximum grant available

2024 to 2025


2023 to 2024


You'll be asked to submit your household income information

As part of your application you'll be asked to give your household income information, depending on your circumstances your partner may also need to provide their income information. We'll tell you who needs to provide this information and how they can do it.

Tuition Fee Grant with a Tuition Fee Loan

If you're also applying for a Tuition Fee Loan, getting a grant can reduce the amount of loan you have to repay.

Your household income and study intensity affect how much grant you can get

If your college or university is charging less that the maximum amount available to you, you'll be awarded the amount they're charging.

Household income

Studying between 50% and 59% of an equivalent full-time course

Studying between 60% and 74% of an equivalent full-time course

Studying 75% or more of an equivalent full-time course

below £16,843




between £16,843 and £25,420

between £50 and £770

between £50 and £935

between £50 and £1,180

more than £25,421

no grant, your household income is too high to qualify

no grant, your household income is too high to qualify

no grant, your household income is too high to qualify

If your course costs more than the student finance you can get, you need to pay the difference

If the tuition fee charged by your university or college is more than the maximum student finance available to you, you'll need to pay the remaining amount to them directly.

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