Disabled Students' Allowance Part-time undergraduate, tuition fee and living cost students

2. Who can get this allowance?

You don't need to work out if you're eligible - we'll do it for you

This page is intended your information only. Make your application for student finance, we'll determine your eligibility and let you know.

If you would like to speak to someone about your eligibility or your study needs assessment for Disabled Students' Allowance you can speak to the part-time Disabled Student Allowance Office by calling: 028 9047 0155 or email: DSA-PT-PG@eani.org.uk

The following can contribute to your eligibility for a Disabled Students Allowance for part-time undergraduate tuition fee and living cost students.

Your disability, condition or learning difficulty

To qualify for Disabled Students' Allowance you must have a disability that meets the definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010 and that impacts your ability to study

This can include a long-term health condition, mental-health condition, physical disability or specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia or dyspraxia .

You'll be asked to send proof such as a report or letter from your doctor or consultant or a diagnostic assessment from a psychologist or suitably qualified teacher.

Eligibility for disability related funding from another source

You're not eligible for Disabled Students' Allowance from Student Finance NI if you're:

  • eligible for a Department of Health, NHS or other health care bursary
  • receiving a bursary or award from a research council
  • receiving the NHS Business Services Authority's bursary for students on postgraduate social work courses
  • receiving a bursary or award from your university or college which includes support that is equal to DSA.

If the part-time DSA Office determines that you are eligible for funding from another source they will tell you what you need to do.

Nationality and residency

You could get this funding if you're able to identify as one of the following:

A UK national or Irish citizen or someone with settled status in the UK

You must:

  • normally live in Northern Ireland
  • have been living in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for the three years before the first day of your first academic year

An EU national

You must:

  • have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme
  • normally live in Northern Ireland
  • have been living in UK, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, for the three years before the first day of your first academic year

EU nationals with less than three years residency in UK & Islands may be eligible for tuition fee only student funding.

A UK national or family members of a UK national who has been living in the EEA or Switzerland

You must:

  • have normally lived in the EEA or Switzerland on or before 31 December 2020
  • have lived in the UK, Gibraltar, the EEA or Switzerland for the three years before the first day of your first academic year
  • be studying in Northern Ireland

An eligible exception residency type

Our eligible exception residency types can include refugees, those under humanitarian protection or their immediate family members.

Resident in another area of the UK but living in Northern Ireland while you study

You may not be classed as 'ordinarily resident' in Northern Ireland which means you may need to apply for funding from your home funding provider. You should contact your home funding provider for further information.


There is no upper or lower age limit for Disabled Students' Allowance.


To qualify for this allowance your course must result in one of the following qualifications:

  • a first degree, for example, a BA, BSc or BEd
  • a Foundation Degree
  • a Certificate of Higher Education
  • a Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE)
  • a Higher National Certificate (HNC)
  • a Higher National Diploma (HND)

Your university or college will be able to confirm the course's qualification.

Place of study

This can be private or public, however it must be a UK based university or college and you need to study at least 50% of your course in the UK. Both your course and place of study must be eligible for funding from us.

Your university or college will be able to confirm their eligibility for funding from us.

Previous study

Your previous study doesn't affect your eligibility for Disabled Students' Allowance.

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