Tuition Fee Loan Full-time undergraduate, tuition fee only funding students

3. How much can I get?

The amount of loan you can get depends on your course fees

The only way to know exactly how much you'll get is to apply but you could get up to £4,750.

If your Northern Irish university or college is charging £4,750, you can borrow up to £4,750.If they're charging £2,250, you can only borrow up to £2,250.

Maximum available

Academic year Maximum Tuition Fee Loan available
2024 to 2025 Up to £4,750
2023 to 2024 Up to £4,710

If your course costs more than the student finance you can get, you need to pay the difference

If the tuition fee charged by your Northern Irish university or college is more than the maximum student finance available to you - you'll need to pay the remaining amount to them directly.

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