Maintenance Loan Full-time undergraduate, tuition fee and living cost students

3. How much can I get?

The amount you can get depends on your individual circumstances

The only way to know exactly how much you'll get is to apply

Maintenance Loan based on your household income

As part of your application you'll be asked if you'd like to have your household income information taken into account. If you do, you may be able to borrow more or get a Maintenance Grant

Maximum available

The table below shows the maximum Maintenance Loan amounts for the last two academic years and is based on an application where the household income has been provided.

Maintenance Loan amounts for 2024 to 2025 haven't changed since the previous year.

Maximum Maintenance Loan

Your living arrangements

2024 to 2025 academic year

2023 to 2024 academic year

Living with parents

Up to £5,250

Up to £5,250

Living in London and not with parents

Up to £9,492

Up to £9,492

Living outside London and not with parents

Up to £6,776

Up to £6,776

Living abroad for at least one term as part of your course

Up to £8,078

Up to £8,078

If you're not in contact with your parents or you've spent time in care, you might not need to provide details of your parents' income when you apply. Go to our estranged students and care leavers page to find out more.

Final year of study

You'll receive a lower Maintenance Loan than in previous years.

In any year other than your final year we'll consider the period between academic years as a period during which you'll require student finance, as you're a continuing student.

At the end of your final year you are no longer a continuing student, so any time beyond the end of your final academic year is not considered eligible for student finance. This means you'll get less Maintenance Loan in your final year.

It's important that you factor this into your final year finances.

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