Tuition Fee Loan Postgraduate, Tuition Fee Only funding student

5. How it's paid

Who we pay

A Postgraduate Tuition Fee Loan is paid directly to your university or college on your behalf once they have confirmed you have been in attendance for two weeks.

When we pay

Your loan is paid in three lump sums during your academic year, normally around the start of each term. The first two payments are each 25% of the total amount borrowed, the final payment is the remaining 50% of the total amount borrowed.


Based on a 1 year course:

Payment % of total amount borrowed Amount paid
1 25% £1,625
2 25% £1,625
3 50% £3,250
  Total amount paid £6,500

Your Notification of Entitlement letter

If your application is successful we'll send you a Notification of Entitlement letter. This letter explains what type of student finance you're getting, how much you'll get and when to expect your payments to be made. You can also view this information in your student finance account (opens in a new tab)

You should always read and keep these letters. Make sure you understand your entitlement and what this means to you.

Reassessments can affect your funding

If your circumstances change, this can result in a reassessment of your student finance so it's very important that you keep us up to date with any changes.

We'll work out your new entitlement based on the change and send an updated Notification of Entitlement letter.

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