Tuition Fee Loan Postgraduate, Tuition Fee Only funding student

3. How much can I get?

The amount of loan you can get each year depends on the length and cost of your course

The only way to know exactly how much you'll get is to apply but you could get up to £6,500 for your course.

You need to apply each year

If your course is longer than 1 year and you apply for funding in year 1, you must reapply for the next year(s).

If your course costs more than the amount of loan you can get, you’ll need to pay the difference to your university

Example for a 2 year course

Year 1 - Dan's course costs £3,250 this year. He asks for the maximum and his university gets paid £3,250.

Year 2 - Dan's course costs £3,500. He asks for the maximum available and his university gets £3,250. He has to pay the remaining £250.

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