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1. Repaying your student loan

What you repay

Student loan repayment doesn't normally start till you've graduated and are earning over the repayment threshold (opens in a new tab).

You'll repay any loans, such as a Tuition Fee Loan or Maintenance Loan, you've borrowed. Grants and allowances are not normally due to be repaid unless you leave your course early or are overpaid.

We have more information about the differences between grants, loans and allowances and the types of finance available to you.


Interest is applied to any amount borrowed from the date the first payment is made.

When you repay

When you start repaying your loan depends on:

  • on the study level of your course
  • how you choose to study (full or part-time)

Full-time undergraduate students

Due to start repaying the April after they graduate or leave their course.

Part-time undergraduate students

Due to start repaying the April after they graduate or leave their course or the April four years after the first day of their course (even if they're still studying), whichever comes first.

Postgraduate students (full and part-time)

Due to start repaying the April after they graduate or leave their course.

How you repay

Repayments will be collected through the tax system if you're employed or through self assessment if you're self employed. Repayments are expected where you earn over the repayment threshold (opens in a new tab).

Repayment threshold

This is a minimum weekly or monthly amount earned (depending on how you are paid). Whenever you earn more than the threshold - you'll be expected to make a repayment. If your income falls below the threshold, repayments are not taken.

More information

Go to our repayment guide on GOV.UK (opens in a new tab) to find out more including information about how and when you'll repay your student loan including overseas threshold amounts, ways to make additional voluntary repayments and interest.

Frequently Asked Questions

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