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1. Your Notification of Entitlement letter

This letter confirms you what you're getting and when

If your application is successful we'll send you this letter - it will tell you what you're getting and when.

Check the information on the letter is correct

When you get your letter - check the following:

  • how much you're getting
  • when we'll pay you
  • your bank or building society details
  • if you need to send us something

Tell us if the information is wrong or out of date

Let us know immediately. You can update some or all this information in your student finance account (opens in a new tab).

Send us any missing information or evidence

We might ask for more information or evidence in your letter. If we do, get it to us as soon as possible. The most common things we'll ask for include your bank or building society information or your National Insurance number (if you're a UK national). We cannot pay you without everything we need.

Any Disabled Students' Allowance will not show on this letter

If you're also applying for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) you'll get a separate Disabled Students' Allowance Notification of Entitlement letter confirming this.

If you get another Notification of Entitlement letter

This is probably because we have reassessed your entitlement. The most recently dated letter always replaces any you've already received.

Read any new ones you get to make sure you know if anything has changed. If you've been paid too much, we might ask you to repay this sooner than you would normally.

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